Thursday, December 17, 2009

How-To_DEC Search Hints

The DEC web site is very big and it can be frustrating to navigate. The information you want is probably there but where? this link will get you into the heart of searching for drilling application dates or find any existing well - even some out of production. Embedded in the 2nd paragraph is a phrase that will allow many search parameters. Click on "searchable database for oil and gas information."

This is the only notification tool the DEC relies on to let the public and municipalities know when a drilling application has been accepted. In 4-8 weeks that application may lead to a drilling permit, issued by the DEC. The information is updated weekly, mid week.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Map: Tompkins County, New York

Here is our county. If you are a Landowner or resident interested in having an open minded dialogue about natural gas exploration - that is our goal. It does not matter what your current lease status may be. We will not be judging one another.

Be patient, if your individual situation allows. The gas is not going anywhere. Changes are happening all the time regarding drilling technology and there are some nasty "got-ch'a" leases that as a group we can help each other avoid. Who better to champion our interests than we ourselves.

It is an expectation that we will be able to share our individual talents and strengths to fill gaps that no single family can possibly cover. No family will have to go through this process alone.

Our Situation

We have a gas resource under us that is of global commercial value. Companies have approached us to get that resource, some with little regard for the fact it is our home. These companies are explorers/developers and land speculators or a combination of for-profit entities. Whatever their reason for engaging us their paramount focus is their business; not our interests as Landowners.

On the other end of the spectrum, there are those that do not want any gas development under any circumstances, ever.

If you are not in the drill now camp nor the never drill camp...perhaps you will be pleased to discover there is an alternative for your consideration.